Yannis Zavoleas


Yannis Zavoleas

Senior Lecturer

Research Fields:

Dynamic Simulation

Real Time Testing


BIM Modeling and Integration

Dr Zavoleas’ research publication record draws upon an interdisciplinary approach to architecture informed by new technologies related to computation, digital fabrication, dynamic simulation, digital media and theory of design in architecture. He often employs cross-scientific themes with references mainly from biology, presenting performative aspects then adapted to respond to architectural design aims. His outputs are summarised in the following items:

  • two books, one authored entitled Machine and Network as Structural Models in Architecture and one edited entitled Digital Materiality and the New Relation between Depth and Surface;
  • fifteen book chapters (Routledge, EAAE-ENHSA, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts etc.);
  • eight journal articles plus one currently in review (Thresholds, Nexus, DOMES, CommonGround etc.);
  • eleven peer-reviewed conference paper publications (CAADRIA, eCAADe, ASA, IIT Haifa, ESARQ-UIC, Intelligent Environments etc.).


Zavoleas,Y., Patsavos,N. (Eds.). Surface. Digital Materiality and the New Relation between Depth and Surface. Brussels & Athens: EAAE/AEEA & Futura (2013). ISBN: 9782930301464.

Zavoleas,Y. Machine and Network as Structural Models in Architecture, Athens: Futura, 351 pages (in Greek, 2013). ISBN: 9789609489317.

Book Chapters

Taylor,M., Zavoleas,Y. “From Retail Stores to Real-Time Stories: Displaying Change in an Age of Digital Manufacturing,” in Architectures of Display: Department Stores & Modern Display, Lasc.A., Lara-Betancourt,P., Petty,M. (Eds.), Surrey: Routledge, pp.167-182 (2018). ISBN: 9781472468451.

Zavoleas,Y., “Architecture Beyond Materiality; or, A Transcendental Glimpse of Architectural Space,” in Perception in Architecture: Here and Now, Perren,C., Mlecek,M. (Eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.196-206 (2015). ISBN13: 9781443872560.

Zavoleas,Y., Tournikiotis,P., “Archetypes in-Formation: Strategies of Transition in Architecture and Urban Design,” in Cities in Transformation. Ideas, Methods, Techniques, Tools, Case Studies, Bovati et all (Eds.), Brussels&Milan: EAAE-ARCC/Politecniko di Milano/Il Poligrafo, pp.1411-1417 (2014). ISBN: 9788871158297.

Zavoleas,Y. “Digit Mat(t)ers. Processes of Normalization in Architectural Design,” in Sur-face: Digital Materiality & the New Relation between Depth & Surface, ENHSA-EAAE, Technical Univ. of Crete, Athens: Futura, pp.221-229 (2013). ISBN: 9782930301464.

Zavoleas,Y., Patsavos,N. “Implications of the digital in the Anatomy of the Surface,” in Sur-face: Digital Materiality & the New Relation Between Depth & Surface, Brussels / Athens: ENHSA-EAAE / Futura, pp.10-32 (2013). ISBN: 9782930301464.

Zavoleas,Y., Symeonidou,I., Stroumpakos,V., Pappas,V., Zisimopoulos,D. “Code AB-USE in Architecture. Topological Experimentations with Computational Methods” (in Greek), in Geometry: From Science to Practice, Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus, pp.415-433 (2012).

Zavoleas,Y. “Computational Experimentation & Design Research. Two Case Studies in Architectural Education,” in ScalelessSeamless. Spiridonidis,K., Voyadzaki, M. (Eds.), Brussels: EAAE-ENHSA, pp.265-278 (2012). ISBN: 9782930301587.

Zavoleas,Y. “House-as-Machine. The Influences of Technology during Early Modernism,” in Rethinking the Human in Technology-Driven Architecture, Spiridonidis,K., Voyadzaki, M. (Eds.), Brussels: EAAE-ENHSA, pp.381-393 (2012). ISBN: 9782930301532.

Zavoleas,Y. “Layering as a Systematic Approach to Spatial Order,” in Architectural Theory: A Technical Practice?, Heynen,H., Rauta,A. (Eds.), Brussels: EAAE-ENHSA, pp.402-410 (2010). ISBN: 9782930301402.

Zavoleas,Y. “Zoom in/out: The Abolishment of the Drawing Scale in Contemporary Architectural Practice,” in Changes of Paradigms in the Basic Understanding of Architectural Research, Brussels / Copenhagen: EAAE / The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, pp.142-152 (2008). ISBN: 2930301228.

Zavoleas,Y. “DiagramàProgramàSchema: The Diagram as a Vehicle of Transposition in the Quest of Architectural Form,” in Paradigms in the Basic Understanding of Architectural Research, Brussels / Copenhagen: EAAE / The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, pp.154-163 (2008). ISBN: 2930301228.

Zavoleas,Y. “Real Space, Digital Perception. Experience beyond Materiality” (in Greek), in Architectural Design & Digital Technologies 2, Salonika: Pendulum, pp.71-76 (2007). ISBN13: 9789607651570.

Zavoleas,Y. “Behind the Glass: Transforming the Ordinary to an ‘Object of Desire,’” in Transparency & Architecture: Challenging the Limits, Thessaloniki: Aristotelian University, pp.385-392 (2006). ISBN10: 9604560492.

Zavoleas,Y. “Discourse of the Method of the Built Event: A Semantic Understanding of the Architectural Problem” (in Greek), in Built Event, Chania: Centre of Mediterranean Architecture, pp.18-23 (2006).

Zavoleas,Y., Farantouri,N. “Towards an Aesthetics of the Ugly” (in Greek), in Absence of Aesthetics / Aesthetics of Absence, Philippidis,A. (Ed.), Athens: Futura, pp.50-57 (1998).

Refereed Journal Articles

Zavoleas,Y., Taylor,M., “From Cartesian to Topological Geometry: Challenging Flatness in Architecture,” in Nexus Network Journal (expected: March 2019).

Zavoleas,Y. “Nested Living Rooms,” in Awards 2013, Domes Architectural Journal 09/12, pp.102-105 (2012).

Zavoleas,Y. “From the Room to the City: Archetypes of Integrated Spatial Organisation,” in Architects no.77, Athens, pp.42-45 (2009).

Zavoleas,Y. “Fountain Mediated: Marcel Duchamp’s Artwork and Its Adapting Material Content,” in The International Journal for the Arts in Society, vol.3, no.5, Melbourne: Common Ground Publishing, pp.77-86 (2009). ISSN: 18331866.

Zavoleas,Y. “The Abolishment of the Drawing Scale in Contemporary Architectural Practice. Zoom in/out” (in Greek), in Architectural Issues vol.40, Athens, pp.56-59 (2009).

Zavoleas,Y. with Fernandez,J., Kallipoliti,L., Tsamis,A., Sinisterra,A. “Fecund City-scapes,” in Thresholds, vol. 31: Ephemera, Cambridge MA: The MIT Press, pp.40-43 (2006).

Zavoleas,Y with Fernandez,J., Kallipoliti,L., Tsamis,A, Sinisterra,A. “Fecund City-scapes” (in Greek), in Architectural Issues vol.35, Athens, pp.86-87 (2004).

Zavoleas,Y. “New Media and Representation in Space,” (in Greek), in MediaLandDisneyland, Architects no.40, Athens, pp.52-55 (2003).

Refereed Conference Papers & Other Published Articles

Zavoleas,Y., “A Quest on the Architectural Column through Nature-Driven Design Approaches,” in 4th International Conference on Structures and Architecture, 24-26 July, Lisbon, (expected: 2019).

Zavoleas,Y., Haeusler,M.H., “Extended Modeling. Dynamic Approaches Applied to Design Reef Habitats at Sydney Harbour,” in Shock: Sharing of Computable Knowledge: 35th eCAADe, Rome: Sapienza University, pp.67-74 (2017). ISBN: 9789491207129.

Zavoleas,Y., “Re-morphing the Amorphous. Creating New Urban Substance,” in Kinetem: From Nature to Architectural Matter, Lisbon: University Institute of Lisbon ISCTE, pp.265-274 (2017). ISBN: 9789898862242

Zavoleas,Y., “Rethinking Architectural Vocabulary. Organic Resolution via Integrated BIM Platforms,” in Revisiting the Role of Architectural Science in Design and Practice: 50th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ASA), Adelaide: The University of Adelaide, pp.1-10 (2016). ISBN: 9780992383534.

Zavoleas,Y., “The Biological Model and the Bio-Type: Dynamic Simulation Tools Defining Architectural Components,” in Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing: The 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Melbourne: University of Melbourne / Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology RMIT, pp.197-206 (2016). ISBN: 9789881902672.

Zavoleas,Y., “The Model and Its Operative Significance in Architecture,” in Living & Learning: Research for a Better Built Environment: 49th ASA, Melbourne: University of Melbourne, pp.1065-1074 (2015). ISBN: 9780992383527.

Zavoleas,Y., “The Nature of Architecture,” in 2nd International Conference of Biodigital Architecture and Genetics, Estévez,A. (ed.), Barcelona: ESARQ/UIC & Bubok, pp.119-129 (2014). ISBN: 9788468653068.

Zavoleas,Y., “Computational Thinking with Analogue and Digital Means,” in Rethinking Comprehensive Design: Speculative Counterculture: 19th CAADRIA, Kyoto: Kyoto Institute of Technology, pp.843-852 (2014). ISBN: 9789881902658.

Zavoleas,Y. “Nested Living Rooms,” in Annual Architectural Review, DOMES 04/13, Athens, pp.16-17 (2013).

Zavoleas,Y. “Nested Living Rooms,” in 7th National Hellenic Architectural Exhibition, Chamber of Achaean, Architects, Patras, pp.39-40 (2013).

Zavoleas,Y. “In the Fringe of ‘Athens Charter.’ Interpretive Escaping from an Expected Dead-end,” (in Greek), in 2nd Hellenic Conference of Urbanism & Urban Planning, vol.II, Volos: University of Thessaly, pp.757-764 (2009).

Zavoleas,Y. “Real Space, Digital Perception: Formation of Spatial Experience beyond Materiality,” in “Architecture & Phenomenology Α+P” conference, Haifa: IIT (2007).

Zavoleas,Y. “Integrating New Media into Spatial Perception: A Layered Structure of Representation,” in Intelligent Environments ’06, vol.2, Athens: NTUA, pp.345-350 (2006). ISBN: 086341 6632.